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November 2017 | Bulletin num.94 | Subscribe
NIPO: 088-17-040-8

November highlighted activities at the SPTO

Exciting educational visits

‘A teacher job does not consist so much on teaching pupils all that can be learned but on producing love and esteem for knowledge’. This sentence from John Locke illustrates perfectly one of our basic aims: cultural dissemination.

Keeping this in mind we received two special visits this month. A Korean delegation made up of students and various members of several bodies related to IP world, came on November 7th to learn a little more about us and our activity in this field. Just three days after that, a group of pupils from the Magister Lvcenticus (Master in IP from Alicante University) came to our headquarters to attend a series of talks on this matter.

Working always in this line we took part on the organization of the Roving Seminar WIPO. The topic was 'Intangible assets as a competitiveness factor of the internationalization of a company'. Additionally, we have recently published the seminar presentations on the PCT held in Madrid the past October 25th 2017.

We will go on working to spread our broad experience and knowledge by means of this kind of activities.

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
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