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September 2017 | Bulletin num.92 | Subscribe
NIPO: 073-15-015-0

CEVIPYME, ANDEMA and CEDDET Collaboration Agreements

SPTO signs various cooperation agreements

At the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) we renewed several cooperation agreements with various prominent entities at national level. Their goal is to create valuable synergies for the Industrial and Intelectual Property defense and stimulus.

Firstly we would like to note the extention of our collaboration agreement with the SMEs and Industry DG (DGPYME) and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. Its aim is to facilitate, drive, stimulate and hold the use of the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights together with the innovation at spanish SMEs through the SMEs IP Support Centre (CEVIPYME).

Besides, the present year we have extended our bond with the Trademark Defense Association (ANDEMA). The main targets that connect us are: To spread the importance that industrial property, trademark and innovation have for the company. To underline the role of the public-private collaboration in the innovation at the company. To promote the respect for the industrial property rights through sensitivity campaings supporting the counterfeiting phenomenon struggle.

Last but not least, we also came to an agreement with the CEDDET Foundation for the sake of developing a joint educational programme in the field of Industrial Property. It is aimed at the Ibero-American circles and it will be essencially virtual.

Obviously there is strength in numbers, so we are certain that the foresaid agreements will help us to improve the service that we provide and increase our diffusion channels.

Contact la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM, Spanish Patens and Brands Office)
Fax 91 349 55 97 902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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