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July 2019 | Bulletin num.113 | Subscribe
NIPO: 088-17-040-8

Counterfeiting: Crime Museum

Dangers of counterfeiting

Yes, the summer has already come, this is the holiday time par excellence: sun, beach, travels… Is your chosen destination United States? If you visit by chance Washington DC and you are a museum lover you cannot miss the Crime Museum, that opened in 2008 and has a counterfeit crimes gallery.

The exhibition allows the visitor to enter the world of counterfeiting, know its hidden details and the serious crimes that it involves. The illegal traffic and sale of counterfeit products is a profitable industry that controls billions of dollars. Sometimes we can think that a single buy on internet or to a street vendor will not have serious consequences but in realty these crimes affect our daily life and cause a deep impact not just in big companies but also in small ones and, of course, they have a direct effect on employment. Furthermore, the sale of counterfeit products is known to support drug trade, human trafficking, child labour and even terrorist activities.

The museum glass cabinets offer an interesting sample of counterfeit products (bags, watches, sunglasses, video game consoles, smartphones…). In addition, visitors can watch at the ‘interactive’ section of the exhibition, aimed to raise awareness on consumers, a series of videos that explain the counterfeit product dangers.

So, if you are considering visiting the Capitol, we suggest you to stop at the Crime Museum; you will not regret it.

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