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September 2018 | Bulletin num.103 | Subscribe
NIPO: 088-17-040-8

Summer courses on industrial and intellectual property

Wonderful occasions to deal with these exciting disciplines in depth

Although summer time is commonly destined to well-deserved rest after the long winter and also the long formative or working days, there are people who find a place in their agenda to go deeper into their training. As Aristotle would say 'A knot can't be untied without knowing how it's done', for this reason as important is the goodwill of the pupil in the acquisition and use of knowledge as the interest and wisdom of the teacher to transmit it. In 2018 took place the WIPO Course at the EOI (Spanish School for Industrial Organization) and the Course on Industrial Property of the SPTO at the International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP, Santander), two wonderful occasions to deal with these exciting disciplines in depth.

On the one hand, the Summer Course organized by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) in cooperation with the SPTO and the EOI, was held in Madrid on July 2nd and 13rd. The course counted with 28 students from six countries (Spain, Peru, Mexico, Belgium, Brazil and Italy) and well-known speakers both Spanish and foreigners who offer the attendees a wide vision on intellectual and industrial property. In this context varied matters were dealt such as author rights, patents and utility models, distinctive signs, designs, commercial secrets, geographical indications and vegetal varieties and the industrial and intellectual property assessment as a commercial attractive, together with many other current issues in the field of intellectual and industrial property.

On the other hand, the 13th edition of the Summer Course organized by the SPTO, took place on July 9th - 13th at the UIMP in Santander. During the Course major subjects were considered as the protection of innovations at a global economy, the distinction between the roles of Industrial and Intellectual Property and the possibility of registering inventions by one way or the other, the different figures that can be found in the field of Industrial Property (Patents, Trade marks, Industrial Designs...), inventions and new technologies protection and technological inventions or the distinction between trade marks protection and author rights. All the sessions concluded with the celebration of a round table opened to the debate among the attendees.

Both courses counted with well-known personalities from the world of the Industrial and Intellectual Property at their opening and closing sessions, not just from the national sphere but also from European Institutions with representatives from the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

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