October 2022 | Bulletin num.148 |
Course on Administrative Management of Industrial Property (Paralegals)On November 14, the 11th edition of the Course on Administrative Management of Industrial Property (Paralegals) will begin, organized by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A., (SPTO) and the School of Industrial Organization (EOI). This on line course will take place between the months of November 2022 and April 2023, and will consist, as usual, of five independent modules. The first module has been postponed to April for organizational reasons, therefore starting in November with the second module. Enrollment for each module can be done independently and it is possible to enroll until the start date of each of them. It is aimed at professionals from Industrial Property Agencies, personnel from Industrial Property Departments of companies, OTRIS of Universities, Technology Parks and in general to all professionals interested in the management of Industrial Property. The main objectives of the course are:
The course is framed within the activities of the Carlos Fernández-Novoa Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property, whose purpose is to promote an integrated training and information system to facilitate the transfer of mutual knowledge between companies and Universities. Cheer up and sign up here!
Table of contentsNew Director of the SPTOAppointment of civil servants/civil servants in trainingThe European Observatory for the Infringement of Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights turns a decade oldFirst monitoring report of the 2022 Annual Operating PlanBlog¿Solicito una marca o un nombre comercial? |