Creation of Electronic Filing for the SPTO

On July 6, the Resolution establishing Electronic Filing for the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office was published in the Official Trade Bulletin, thus fulfilling the provisions in the Law for access by citizens to public services, as well the rules for carrying it out.

Access to electronic files will be made through the Electronic Head Office of the SPTO, located on the SPTO website, thus enabling the right of citizens to interact electronically with the government.

The resolution regulates the functions of Electronic Filing, documents that can filed during the process, grounds for inadmissibility and the consequences for interrupting the service, as well as working days and hours and timeframe calculation.

The creation of Electronic Filing, along with that of the electronic head office, constitutes a further step in the commitment of the SPTO for approaching applicants and improving the quality of services offered within the framework of the first Strategic Plan for Promoting Industrial Property, Plan PI, submitted on March 9 by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade.



July 5 to 30: Call for participation in the 'Program of Consulting and Assessment Activities in the Field of Industrial Property Management and Surveillance Technology aimed at SMEs'.
August 30 to September 1: Seminar 'Managing Patent Disputes', organized by the European Patent Academy.
September 14 to 17: 24th Annual MARQUES Conference, Berlin.
September 2010 to June 2012: III Annual Course in European Patent Law, Madrid.
October 18 to July 2011: Master in Intellectual Property and the Information Society (IP&IT), Barcelona.
November 2010: 'Course on Patents and Utility Models: Foundations, Documentation, Transfer and Writing', Madrid.

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