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October 2017 | Bulletin num.93 | Subscribe
NIPO: 073-15-015-0

Recent attachment of the SPTO to the METDA

Royal Decree 903/2017

The Royal Decree 903/2017, October 13th 2017, on the basic structure of the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda (METDA) was published on the Official State Gazette num.248. Accoding to it, the SPTO is considered an autonomous body from the General State Administration and it depends on the foresaid Ministry. The holder of the Under-Secretariat for Energy takes the role of president of the Executive Board.

Consequently, the First Final Provision of the Royal Decree foresees the modification of the article 1 of the Royal Decree 1270/1997, July 24th 1997, on the SPTO regulation, to adjust it to this new attachment.

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