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October 2017 | Bulletin num.93 | Subscribe
NIPO: 073-15-015-0

IV Annual Meeting of Macathlon: "Trademarks Path"

October 7th, Azca Gardens - Madrid

Past October 7th was a special day for us. That was the chosen day for the IV Annual Meeting of Marcathlon and it exceeded our expectations, both at participation rates and at organizational level. Putting it in figures we can talk about more than 230 runners, at least 300 children, 75 trademarks and lots of visitors. What else can we ask for?

The educational gymcana that took place before the race was an unrivalled chance for children of leaning through play since it sent a significant message about the main role that trademarks play at every level of our society. By instilling core values like these ones to our childhood, we ensure that they will become responsible aware adults. In addition kids could enjoy an extraordinary exhibition of the Guide Dog Special Unit of the National Police Corp.

The main activity of the day was supported by "Sponsor an athlete". It is a project which goal is urging companies to endorse elite athletes to help them grow as professionals and take part in national and international meetings.

Although obviously the result of the race was not the prior matter of the event we cannot avoid mentioning its winners: Jaime Martínez Morga at males category and Aurora Lopez at femails one. Besides many other runners received medals and gifts from the sponsor trademarks.

From the SPTO we want to thank all the participantings and collaborators that made this event possible. We expect to see you again next year!

Contact la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office - SPTO)
Fax 91 349 55 97 902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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