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July 2020 | Bulletin num.124 | Subscribe
NIPO: 088-17-040-8

Publication of the informative brochure: "The SPTO in Figures 2019"

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, OA, (SPTO) has published, as every year, the final statistical data corresponding to the year 2019. This publication offers a general overview of the different types of Industrial Property based on the data of the applications submitted or published of the different types of Industrial Property (IP): patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and trade names.


National trademark applications filed in 2019, 50,693, have suffered a drop of 3.1% compared to the previous year, but continue to exceed the 50,000 barrier, reached in 2014.

When consulting public sources from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), on its statistical data, the presentation of European Union trademarks by applicants of Spanish origin continues to grow, continuing the upward trend of recent years. In 2019, 10,699 applications were submitted compared to 10,347 the previous year, representing an increase of 3.4%.

Likewise, applications for international marks of Spanish origin have experienced an increase of 13% compared to the previous year, reaching 622 applications.

In view of the above data, we can affirm that the filing of trademarks as a whole by applicants of Spanish origin decreased by 2% during 2019. We can see that in 2019 3.4% more than applicants of origin Spanish have sought the protection of their trademarks in the European Union in order to obtain an international law that covers all the Member States of the EU.

The Autonomous Communities that lead the filing of national trademark applications are Madrid (11,829), followed by Catalonia (8,297), Andalusia (7,188) and the Valencian Community (5,194).


The national trade names have suffered a decrease, like the brands, compared to the previous year, of 5% but in absolute terms they reach 11,616 requests, highlighting as a positive fact that only in 2018 and in 2019 the 10,000 requests in this modality.

Madrid (2,650) is the Autonomous Community at the top of the application submission ranking followed by Andalusia (1,950), Catalonia (1,661) and the Valencian Community (1,201).


The number of national patent applications in 2019 was 1,358 compared to 1,578 filed in 2018, which represents a decrease in relative terms of 14%.

The number of European patent applications of Spanish origin (Euro-PCT included) according to data provided by the European Patent Office (EPO) has been 1,887 applications in 2019 compared to 1,781 filed in 2018. This represents an increase of 6%.

In addition, in terms of international PCT applications filed at the SPTO, the total number amounts to 1509 applications in 2019, increasing 7.9% compared to 2018, when 1,399 applications were filed. These data contrast with those of the previous year in which PCT applications decreased 1.3%.

The evolution of the filing of patent applications at European and international level denotes a commitment of Spanish applicants towards the internationalization of their business activities and technological developments. Overall, patent applications, both national, European or international of Spanish origin, have experienced a slight increase compared to the previous year.

By Autonomous Communities, Madrid (279), Catalonia (202), Andalusia (183) and the Valencian Community (180), are the regions in which the most national patent applications have been filed. On the other hand, Castilla y León, Murcia, La Rioja Ceuta and Melilla and Extremadura have maintained or increased the number of requests, highlighting Extremadura which has gone from 9 to 15 requests (+ 66.6%).

Utility models

The number of national utility model applications filed in 2019 has reached 2,737, experiencing a slight increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year in which 2,700 were filed.

The Autonomous Communities (AC) that have used this type of protection the most have been Catalonia (450) Valencian Community (423), with an increase of 8% compared to 2018, Madrid (420) and Andalusia (369).

Industrial designs

The total number of national industrial designs (there can be up to 50 designs in each file) submitted throughout the year 2019 has suffered a decrease that reaches 14%, from 18,346 in 2018 to 15,774 in 2019.

In relation to the AC., Catalonia with 4,273, is the region with the most national designs presented, followed by Madrid (2,904), the Valencian Community (2,845) and Andalusia (1,397).

According to EUIPO public sources, requests for Community Design of Spanish origin have decreased by 6.9%, from 3,653 designs in 2018 to 3,399 in 2019.

Lastly, we would like to highlight the high percentages of applications for all types of Industrial Property filed electronically with the SPTO. Thanks to the technical and dissemination efforts carried out by the Office, these percentages are increasing every year and are a reflection of the SPTO's commitment to being a “paperless” office, more efficient and closer to all citizens.

More information: Estadísticas OEPM

Folleto “La OEPM en Cifras”

Infografía 2019

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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