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NIPO 088-17-040-8


World Anti-counterfeiting Day 2020

On the occasion of World Anti-counterfeiting Day, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) organized the week of June 8 to 12 a series of events focused on the protection of Industrial Property Rights and the fight against their violation.




Table of contents  Table of contents



June 1: Reinstatement of Administrative Terms in the SPTO

After the interruption of the administrative deadlines that led to the introduction of the Third Additional Provision in Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, and in execution of Royal Decree 537/2020, of May 22, on June 1 the administrative deadlines were reinstated, resuming since its interruption.



Administrative deadline calculator available to applicants and users of the SPTO

One of our missions is to help applicants for different industrial property titles. For this reason, from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) we want to make available two calculation tools in excel format.



Amendments to the Regulations for the Patent Cooperation Treaty (III)

As previously announced in previous issues of this InfoPi magazine, we continue with our information pills on the modifications of various Rules of the Regulation of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (hereinafter, PCT) that will come into force on July 1, 2020.



Extension of the fees that can be paid to the SPTO through a bank card

With the constant objective of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) to provide better service to users of the Industrial Property system by promoting digital administration, as of June 16 the possibility of payment by bank card has been implemented at more than eighty additional fees, corresponding to procedures that can be made through our Electronic Office.


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry


Interior del Pabellón Mies van der Rohe con vista hacia el estanque, marzo 2020. © Pepo Segura


Autorías silenciadas por la historia: Patentes y marcas alemanas alumbran la coautoría de Lilly Reich en la arquitectura de la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona 1929Ir

Es una imagen inédita del Pabellón Mies van der Rohe en Barcelona. Hasta el pasado 6 de marzo el Pabellón nunca antes había estado abierto en esa dirección. En ese mismo espacio, donde ahora se ve la extensa vitrina horizontal, habitualmente hay una doble pantalla vertical de vidrio esmerilado, un lucernario. Esta transformación inédita del espacio forma parte de la intervención artística Re-enactment: la obra de Lilly Reich ocupa el Pabellón de Barcelona, resultado de la investigación llevada a cabo por Laura Martínez de Guereñu con la primera “Beca Lilly Reich para la igualdad en arquitectura”. La exposición, en la que ha colaborado la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) con dibujos y expedientes de casi una veintena de patentes y marcas de productos industriales alemanes, quedó suspendida el pasado 13 de marzo de 2020 en respuesta a las medidas adoptadas por la Covid-19. El próximo 6 de junio abrirá sus puertas de nuevo y podrá visitarse hasta el 15 de julio.


Estadísticas  Requests made during May 2020


Sumario  Outstanding event


Decisiones del trimestre del Tribunal General y del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea Ir

Webinar - June 30th 2020

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Feria Alhambra Venture-Innovación & Inversión & Start Ups (primera parte) Ir

ONLINE - July 6th - 10th 2020

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Feria Alhambra Venture-Innovación & Inversión & Start Ups (segunda parte) Ir

Parque de las Ciencias de Granada y streaming - September 24th 2020

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1 - 3

Programa de formación avanzada: Inteligencia Artificial y Propiedad Intelectual Ir

Strasbourg - October 1st - 3rd 2020

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Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)

teléfono902 157 530    correoinformacion@oepm.es

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