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The purpose of the publication is to raise awareness for artisans and companies in the handicrafts sector of the importance of protecting their creations.


Presentation of the new informative brochure: "HOW TO PROTECT HANDICRAFTS. Patents, Trademarks and Industrial Designs"

Last 30 June, the headquarters of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) hosted the presentation of the informative brochure "HOW TO PROTECT HANDICRAFTS. Patents, Trademarks and Industrial Designs."

The purpose of the publication is to raise awareness for artisans and companies in the handicrafts sector of the importance of protecting their creations, and for Industrial Property to be increasingly used as a part of their business strategy, which leads to higher competitiveness, economic importance and prestige. The brochure was drawn up in collaboration with the Chair FUNDESARTE, from the EOI Foundation (Industrial Organisation School) (Escuela de Organización Industrial), and falls under the activity of the Chair of Innovation and Industrial Property Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa.

During the presentation ceremony, in addition to representatives from the entities that participated in drawing it up, two artisans shared their experience with attendees.

The informative brochure is available at: BROCHURE