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November 2018 | Bulletin num.105 | Subscribe
NIPO: 088-17-040-8

PCT Seminar at the SPTO

Analysis of the novelties on the PCT Regulations

Cross-border projection of companies and products becomes almost a necessity in an increasingly globalized world, this is an aspect in which the national and international offices of industrial property work tirelessly. The PCT acts as a powerful tool to simplify the application for protecting inventions in various countries simultaneously, using a single application process that has the same effects as the submission of individual applications in each country signatory of the PCT Treaty.

In this regard, a conference on PCT updating was celebrated at the SPTO headquarters on October 23rd. The event was organized by the European Patent Academy, a body that is part of the European Patent Office (EPO) where is responsible for formative tasks. The opening ceremony was led by D. José Antonio Gil Celedonio, SPTO Director, who presented an interesting lecture on the challenge that new technologies represent for the whole patent system. The seminar was a good chance to analyse the novelties recently introduced on the Regulations for the Patent Cooperation Treaty on Patents subject (PCT) and was attended by important personalities.

Firstly, the EPO was represented by Ms. Isabel Auría Lansac, a jurist of the PCT Legal and International Affairs Department, who shared with the attendees details of the role that the EPO plays as a PCT International Authority, the new rules of the PCT Regulation that entered into force and various issues that are currently under discussion at the PCT Working Group in the context of the WIPO.

Secondly, Ms. Susana Ruíz Pérez, from the Spanish firm Herrero & Asociados, took part as a European Patent Attorney and informed on various practical aspects of the international process, such as the PCT-Direct and the PPH Programme or the withdrawal of international applications.

Finally, the SPTO had a large representation: Ms. Mª José de Concepción Sánchez, Director of the Department of Patent and Technological Information served as the conference moderator, Ms. Elena Rojas Romero acted as a Senior Legal Technician and her lecture was about the restoration of priority rights, and Mr. Carlos García Negrete, Manager of the European Patent and PCT Service, informed about the SPTO as a PCT International Authority.

Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
Fax 91 349 55 97 902 157 530 información@oepm.es
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