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NIPO 088-17-040-8


The Government announces a National Plan to Combat Counterfeiting

On Monday, November 18, the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism announced the presentation of a National Plan to Combat Counterfeiting, when the Government will be formed. These statements were made during the 25th Anniversary commemoration of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante.




Table of contents  Table of contents



Margarita Salas: famous inventor and biotechnology pioneer in Spain

The death of Margarita Salas, on November 7, fell like a blow to science in Spain.

Margarita Salas, one of the most relevant Spanish scientists, contributed significantly to advances in the field of molecular biology by promoting research in Spain and abroad.



XIX Annual Meeting of Regional Industrial Property Information Centers

One more year, the Regional Centers held their traditional annual meeting. This XIX edition took place on November 7 in Extremadura, in the city of Cáceres. It was attended by representatives of the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Murcia, the Basque Country and Valencia, as well as representatives of the SPTO.



IV Discussion Forum on Counterfeit Products

IV Debate Forum on Counterfeit Products was held on November 19 at the headquarters of the Confederation of Consumers and Users of Madrid (CECU). In this forum participants, SPTO among them, discussed the different possibilities of action in the fight against violations of Industrial Property Rights, both from the point of view of the public sector and the private sector.



Counterfeit and Black Friday

The BLACK FRIDAY is approaching, one of the commercial appointments that generate the most sales in Spain and it is a good time to remember some of the recommendations to avoid counterfeiting in e-commerce.

Electronic commerce grew by 10,000 million in 2018, 29% more than the previous year.


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



Inventos españoles que mejoraron nuestra vidaIr

Esta semana recordamos una entrada que se publicó hace un tiempo en relación a las mejoras que han traído a nuestra vida algunas de las innovaciones más extraordinarias del mundo y cómo contribuyen las nuevas ideas a afrontar retos mundiales comunes, como el cambio climático, la salud, la pobreza y la necesidad de alimentar a una población en constante crecimiento”. En este contexto, se hace especial hincapié en la contribución que hace el sistema de PI a la innovación mediante la atracción de inversiones, la recompensa a los creadores, los estímulos para que desarrollen sus ideas y los mecanismos para garantizar que sus conocimientos estén disponibles a fin de que los innovadores del futuro puedan aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías del presente.


Estadísticas  Requests made during October 2019


Sumario  Outstanding event


Seminario avanzado "Plataformas de Internet, la Protección General de Datos y su aplicación en los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual" Ir

Estrasburgo - November 28th - 30th 2019

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Mediación y arbitraje para el sector Fintech en España Ir

Madrid - November 28th 2019

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Jornada "La Propiedad Industrial, la Importancia de su Salvaguardia y el Impacto del Brexit" Ir

Algeciras - November 28th 2019

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Foro Talent Woman Ir

Málaga - November 28th - 29th 2019

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I Jornada sobre aspectos regulatorios, necesidades y posibilidades de objetivación de hechos en entornos digitales, registro de catálogos, y detección y persecución de la infracción en diseños Ir

Madrid - December 2nd 2019

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Sesión informativa EUIPO's online services. IP for you Ir

Sevilla - December 11th 2019

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