Certification renovation of the quality management system for the spanish patent and trademark office

Since its creation, the SPTO has been constantly committed to quality; aware of the fact that it's a fundamental element required for achieving a new Administration capable of responding to challenges stemming form societal transformation and the demands of its citizens.

The main accomplishments of this activity include obtaining the ISO 9001:2001 Certificate for the PCT Process and Information Technology Services , and the Certification of the Technological Surveillance System of Search Services, based on norm UNE166006:2006 EX.

On May 7 and 8, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) conducted a quality audit at the SPTO for renewing both certificates, having passed this process with very satisfactory results.

This demonstrates that the SPTO Quality Management System properly complies with the requirements of the above-mentioned norm and responds to the commitments outlined in the organization's quality policy.

This renovation is the result of the efforts made by SPTO employees and the collaboration of end users who, thanks to their participation, have helped to make this management process a success.


Developed by: Grupo Inforpress