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Marcathlon 2015: The Trademark Race

To celebrate World Intellectual and Industrial Property Day on Saturday 25 April, brands, associations and institutions from many different sectors will come together...

Innovation by women

2015 subsidies for applications for Patents and Utility Models

The SPTO continues to promote the use of Industrial Property among Spanish companies as a tool for...

Course on Industrial Property Administration for Paralegals

25th May is the first day of the 5th edition of the Industrial Property Administration Course for Paralegals....

Top applicants in 2014

Every year, the SPTO publishes a list of the applicants that have filed most applications with the organisation...

New vacancies for Senior Officials

The Official State Bulletin (BOE) of 23 March published Royal Decree 196/2015 of 22 March approving...

Meeting on Differentiation through Trademarks and Designs. Valencia

Seminar: Harmonisation in trademarks from a practical viewpoint: results of the Convergence Programme. Alicante

Community Trademark and Design protection. The Enforcement Database. Valencia

MARCATHLON 2015 – The Trademark Race