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The successful applicants will work in different areas of Industrial Property at the SPTO office in Madrid


New vacancies for Senior Officials

The Official State Bulletin (BOE) of 23 March published Royal Decree 196/2015 of 22 March approving civil service vacancies for 2015. These include nine positions for Senior Officials in bodies specialising in Industrial Property that report to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, two of which are for the legal section. The successful applicants will work in different areas of Industrial Property at the SPTO office in Madrid.

The BOE also published the list of candidates who were successful in the previous process to appoint Senior Officials specialising in Industrial Property and covering five positions as patent examiners.

Patent examiners are responsible for processing applications in their respective technical branches for the different stages of the procedure up to granting. Links between the SPTO and other national and international Industrial Property offices offer high-level graduates opportunities for training and employment in prestigious international organisations.