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The aim is making the general public aware about the importance for the economy of innovation, trademarks and designs


Marcathlon 2015: The Trademark Race

To celebrate World Intellectual and Industrial Property Day on Saturday 25 April, brands, associations and institutions from many different sectors will come together for the second year running in the Azca gardens (Madrid) for the Marcathlon 2015, the Trademark Race.

This free event is organised by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) and the National Association for the Defence of Trademarks (Asociación Nacional para la Defensa de la Marca – ANDEMA) with the aim of making the general public aware, in a fun way, about the importance for the economy of innovation, trademarks and designs.

It will include contests and educational games for children aged 6 to 15, and a 5-km race for the over-16s. Venue: Azca gardens, Madrid. To participate, please register at www.marcathlon.com or send an email to info@marcathlon.com