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This Strategic Plan established five main lines of action. After analysis of the indicators in each of them, an assessment report was drawn up to determine the degree of compliance with the plan which, in general, was very high, in excess of 75% in all cases.


Assessment of the Industrial Property Strategic Plan 2012-2014

The Strategic Plan 2012-2014 on Industrial Property (IP) for businesses and entrepreneurs has been behind the actions of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) over the last three years, aiming to make IP a tool and a key factor in business decisions. This Strategic Plan established five main lines of action. After analysis of the indicators in each of them, an assessment report was drawn up to determine the degree of compliance with the plan which, in general, was very high, in excess of 75% in all cases.



L1. Support for businesses to obtain IP rights


L2. Increased business awareness of IP


L3. Promotion of observance of IP rights


L4. Reduction of paperwork for obtaining IP rights


L5. Support for entrepreneurs to obtain IP rights


Strategic line 1: Support for businesses to obtain IP rights
This support includes the possibility of paying certain fees by credit card. This has reduced costs for the interested parties, since payment by card is a simple procedure to which efficient security systems can be applied. In addition, in order to help businesses internationalise their operations, bilateral PPH agreements have been signed with other offices to speed up patent internationalisation and make it cheaper in countries that are of key importance for Spanish exports.

Strategic line 2: Increased business awareness of IP
In this area, new Technological Surveillance Bulletins have been drawn up, as well as educational leaflets and on-line training modules, to help integrate IP in business culture. In addition, the SPTO has stepped up its presence at trade fairs and sectorial meetings and has organised meetings and seminars for SMEs and entrepreneurs. It has also carried out actions to increase awareness and offer training through intermediaries such as Regional Centres for IP Information, Technology Platforms, SME Associations and Consultancies, all with the aim of expanding its impact along this strategic line.

Actions have also been taken to promote IP in secondary schools and universities (talks, visits and participation in educational programmes), based on the conviction that early information will lead to greater awareness of IP at future professional levels.

Strategic line 3: Promotion of observance of IP rights
Activities have been stepped up with agents involved in the fight against the infringement of IP rights, such as police officers, customs officials, judges and prosecutors, in the form of meetings, seminars and training courses.

Strategic line 4: Reduction of paperwork for obtaining IP rights
Actions have been drawn up to speed up formalities for citizens and make them more flexible. They include the computerised issue of IP titles and the shorter patent granting procedure. Now that IP titles are issued by computer, it is no longer necessary for applicants to pick them up in person at the SPTO, nor for the SPTO to send them by post, thus saving both time and money. Applicants also benefit because they can send their original registration certificate or title without having to obtain official copies of them.

Strategic line 5: Support for entrepreneurs to obtain IP rights
Aid is offered every year for the promotion of patents and utility models in Spain and elsewhere. The aid paid out in 2014 amounted to more than 3 million euros.