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These meetings mainly address designers, architects, craftworkers and students of Fine Arts, Architecture and Art, as well as SME


Series of meetings on Trademark and Design

As part of the activities organised by the Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa Chair for Innovation and Industrial Property, a series of meetings is to be held in different parts of Spain in order to create greater awareness about the importance of achieving differentiation in the market by protecting Trademarks or Industrial Designs.

These meetings mainly address designers, architects, craftworkers and students of Fine Arts, Architecture and Art, as well as SMEs, although they are open to anyone interested.

They will be organised in collaboration with the respective Regional Centres for Industrial Property Information. Some of them will focus on protecting craftwork by means of Trademarks and Industrial Designs, and will receive collaboration from the  Fundesarte Chair at the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI).

Next meetings
So far, a meeting has been held on ‘Differentiation by means of Trademarks and Designs’ in Valencia, with collaboration from the Valencian Regional Centre for Industrial Property Information (IVACE).

Forthcoming dates are 20 May in Pamplona, 2 June in Merida, 2 June in Asturias and 17 June in Madrid.