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NIPO 088-17-040-8


SPTO and COP25

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (SPTO), from the perspective of innovation and the protection of research results, is involved in the fight against climate change and the development of different technologies that slow its impact.




Table of contents  Table of contents



Acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, presents the campaign against counterfeiting

The acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has presented the institutional campaign to raise awareness and raise awareness about counterfeit goods and merchandise and its social and economic consequences.



The Primary Education School (CEIP) Francisco de Quevedo de Leganés in the SPTO

On December 12, the SPTO rejuveneced: A group of sixth grade students visited our headquarters within the framework of COP25. In addition, the children coincided with the visit of the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, who served as an exception hostess.



The most supportive face of the SPTO

As it is traditional, when the Christmas dates approach the SPTO staff collaborates with the most disadvantaged trying to make these holidays more enjoyable for everyone.

There are already two such campaigns that are carried out in the SPTO: the collaboration with the food bank of Madrid, and the collection of toys.



Exhibition "Energy sustainability, 540 years in Spain"

On December 3th , the Acting Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism inaugurated the exhibition “Energy sustainability, 540 years in Spain”. This exhibition has been carried out by the staff of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. coinciding with the United Nations Convention on Climate Change held in Madrid (COP25).


Blog  Blog - Highlighted entry



Exposición "Sostenibilidad energética, 540 años en España"Ir

Con motivo de la Cumbre del Clima que se celebra estos días en nuestra capital, la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, O.A. ha presentado una exposición titulada “Sostenibilidad Energética. 540 años en España”. Esta exposición viene a remarcar la importancia de buscar y potenciar la capacidad inventiva relacionada con la protección y salvaguarda de nuestro planeta, de manera especial, con el empleo y desarrollo tecnológico de energías limpias, concretamente, de la energía eólica, en la que España es pionera.


Estadísticas  Requests made during November 2019


Sumario  Outstanding event



Contact the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)

Fax 91 349 55 97   teléfono902 157 530    correoinformacion@oepm.es

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