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Do you have a new device, product or procedure that solves a technical problem?

In order to prevent anyone from copying, using, distributing or selling your invention without authorisation, you can protect it both in Spain and in other countries. In return, the application will be made public for general knowledge. Find out how.


How to protect inventions


Before filing an application for protection of your invention, we recommend that you consult this information.



Submit an application

There are different protection options depending on the type of invention and your business strategy. Please take into account the recommendations and the relevant legal provisions before applying.


Management of inventions

Proper management of your industrial property rights is essential to maintain their value.

Maintenance of invention titles

Find out about the fees you must pay to keep invention titles in force in Spain, the deadline for payment, the amount and how to make the payment.

Transfers and licensing

If you sell an invention title or authorise third parties to exploit it, we recommend that you register the transfer or licence with the SPTO.

Other procedures

Learn about the different steps you may have to take during the processing or the life of the invention title.


Technological information

Patents published worldwide are a valuable source of scientific, technical and commercial information. Access this information and the wide range of services offered by the SPTO to facilitate consultation.



The following tools and resources will help you get the protection you need for your invention



Information on the QUALITY initiatives that the SPTO applies in its daily activities, in order to achieve the satisfaction of the users of its services.


Frequently asked questions on inventions

If you still have doubts, in this section we answer a series of common questions on inventions




Latest news

All the latest news related to inventions.