If you want to distinguish your goods, services or both from those of another company, you may need a trademark or trade name. Find out what they are, what their registration procedure is and what it involves.
Information on the deadlines for filing applications for transformation of European Union trademarks into Spanish national trademarks. See more
If you have a new device, product or procedure that solves a technical problem or has a practical advantage, there are different ways to protect it in Spain and other countries. Find out how.
Does your innovation lie in the aesthetics, ornamentation or appearance of your product? Protect it through industrial design. Find out what rights registration confers and how to proceed.
Patents published worldwide are a valuable source of scientific, technical and commercial information.
El Bono 3 del Fondo para PYMEs 2025, que cubre la elaboración de Informes Tecnológicos de Patentes (ITP) y Búsquedas Retrospectivas se cerrará el lunes 10 de febrero de 2025 al cierre de la jornada laboral. Próximamente se informará sobre su reapertura. Puede consultar más información aquí.
If you are an entrepreneur or a company and you want to boost and improve the profitability of your business by adequately protecting the intangible assets of your organisation, in this space you will find what you need.
Instruction dated 24 March 1998, from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, which introduces its standardised forms on its internet site.
Article 70.4 of Law 30/1992, dated 26 November, on the Legal Scheme for the Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, indicates that the Administrations must establish standardised application forms and systems for procedures that entail numerous resolutions on a series of procedures; these models must be available to citizens.
In the area of industrial property, article 3 of the executive Regulation for the Patents Act, approved by Royal Decree 2245/1986, dated 10 October, and article 2.1 of the implementation Regulation for the Trademarks Act, approved by Royal Decree 645/1990, dated 18 May, outline the use of standardised forms.
On the other hand, article 45 of Law 30/1992, dated 26 November, the Legal Scheme for Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, regulates the inclusion of technical media in carrying out the activities of the Public Administrations, fostering their use. This article is developed by Royal Decree 263/1996, dated 16 February, which regulates the use of electronic, computer and online media by the Spanish Central Administration.
The availability of an SPTO internet site enables users to complete standardised forms through this medium.
By virtue of the above, I hereby stipulate:
That the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office may introduce on its internet site, the standardised forms used in the different administrative procedures.
That the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office shall accept, on printed paper only, the forms obtained from its internet site, with the specifications indicated. The printing quality must be similar to that of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office's own printed forms. The general scheme for forms shall apply in all other matters.
The provisions of the two preceding paragraphs shall not affect the filing of paper forms, which shall continue to be accepted as at present.
This Instruction shall be published in the Official Industrial Property Gazette and shall enter into force on the day following its publication.
Madrid, 31 March 1998