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Administrative appeals


To facilitate the digitisation process, please submit forms printed on one side only.


Las personas jurídicas, los que ejerzan una actividad profesional para la cual se requiera la colegiación obligatoria (art. 14 Ley 39/2015 PAC) y los agentes de la propiedad industrial están obligados a relacionarse con la OEPM por medios electrónicos.


Lodging an appeal


  • Appeal form

    Descargar Appeal form
  • Instruction sheet

    Descargar Instruction sheet


Additional information


  • Guide to administrative appeals

    Descargar Guide to administrative appeals
  • What do you need in order to use the forms?

    Ir a What do you need in order to use the forms?
  • Instructions for filling in a form

    Descargar Instructions for filling in a form
  • General guidelines for completing the forms
    Ir a General guidelines for completing the forms
  • Instruction introducing standardised forms on the internet
    Ir a Instruction introducing standardised forms on the internet