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Frequently Asked Questions Brands & Trade Names

Although it is not necessary for the sign to be new in a non-existent sense in order to be registered, it is important to apply for it before revealing it so as to prevent a third party from filing an identical or similar application before you do.

Yes. You will then obtain an application submission date ahead of anyone who may request it later. Even if you have not yet completed all the formal requirements, it is better to present the application with just the essentials and then comply with the remaining requirements later.

Yes. Once the trademark or trade name has passed the form examination, it will be published giving third parties two months in which to oppose it if they believe the new application infringes previous rights. Likewise, once they are granted or refused, they will be published in the industrial Property Official Bulletin (BOPI).

Unless the change is requested immediately, the application for a trademark or trade name can only be changed at the applicant's request in order to correct the applicant's name and address, errors of expression or transcription, or obvious errors, provided that such changes do not substantially affect the trademark or expand or change the list of products or services.