Respondemos todas aquellas dudas referentes a los diferentes procesos implicados en la propiedad industrial.
For this type of creation, only the name of the programme, contest or game can be protected as a trademark. However, this does not apply to the rules or format, and protection for these would have to be sought through intellectual property regulations.
El artículo 4 de la Ley de Patentes excluye específicamente del concepto de patentabilidad "los planes, reglas y métodos, etc. para el ejercicio de actividades económico-comerciales..." En la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas no pueden protegerse las ideas de negocio al no tratarse de invenciones de aplicación industrial, es decir, aparatos, mecanismos, instrumentos, productos, etc. que se fabriquen en una industria.
Design projects are not under the authority of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. These types of creations are protected as author rights by a copyright. The competent body is the Intellectual Property Register.
In general, these types of services are handled through contracts between the parties. Consultation with an attorney specialised in the terms of the contract to be signed by the interested parties is recommended.
Before submitting an application, it is advisable to conduct a search to verify that the creation you want to register is not already protected.
Searches can be performed using the databases provided free of charge by the SPTO, or using the Office's fee-based services.
To obtain information about these services, contact the SPTO or visit its website.