Respondemos todas aquellas dudas referentes a los diferentes procesos implicados en la propiedad industrial.
Once the SPTO decides to grant any type of Industrial property rights, it issues a certificate stating that the holder is the owner of said right.
In the case of Designs and Distinctive Signs (Trademarks and Trade names) the applicant is sent a URL in their award letter from where they can download their certificate.
In the case of Patents and Utility Models, depending on the method of notification chosen by the applicant, they will be sent a PDF of the certificate either by email or to their physical address.
If the application has been processed through an agent, no documents are sent. The agent is given the URL from where the certificate can be downloaded or, in the case of Patents and Utility Models, the PDF of the certificate stays with the SPTO until it is picked up, or it is sent to their email if requested so by them.
The SPTO does not issue duplicate copies of this document.
What you can do is to request certification, using the corresponding certification form and paying the corresponding certification fee.
The SPTO does not issue duplicate copies of this document.
What you can do is to request certification, using the corresponding certification form and paying the corresponding certification fee.
Industrial property rights are temporary and can “disappear” for several reasons.
Invalidation of an industrial property right is equivalent to the right never having existed, because it should not have been granted in the first place. The grounds for invalidation can include, for example, failure to comply with the requirements set out by law or that the holder lacked the right to obtain it.
Expiry means that the right is “extinguished” because of failure to fulfil some of the obligations required by law, such as the payment of maintenance fees or how the right was used.