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Frequently Asked Questions


Respondemos todas aquellas dudas referentes a los diferentes procesos implicados en la propiedad industrial.

Borrar palabras clave
Propiedad Industrial
Marcas y Nombres Comerciales
Marcas colectivas y de garantía
Prueba de uso
Marcas internacionales
Patente nacional y modelo de utilidad
Certificado complementario de protección
Patente europea y validación
Solicitud internacional PCT
Restablecimiento de derechos
Transmisiones y licencias
Gestión y valoración de patentes
Agentes de la propiedad industrial (API)
Examen de calificación europeo (EQE)
Representación y Brexit
Nulidad y caducidad de marcas y nombres comerciales

The list of Spanish agents is available on the web page in the INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY section. In the Industrial Property Agents section you can perform a search for agents.

You can also contact the Official Association of Industrial Property Agents

On our web page in the INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY section, under the Industrial Property Agents heading, you will find an agent search engine as well as information on the requirements for becoming a qualified industrial property agent and on the calls for applicants and the programmes of the examinations you need to pass.

The examinations for becoming an industrial property agent are not carried out at regular intervals.

When an application for Industrial Property rights is made, the applicant can be a physical or legal person or persons.

Keep in mind that acting on behalf of the legal persons, there are physical persons who, in accordance with the articles of incorporation or laws, are empowered to represent same. For example, the administrator, managing director, etc. If is this is the person with signature authority, it must be indicated in the application, in the corresponding section, that the applicant is not being represented. But if the application indicates the name of this person as the representative, a notarised copy of the public deed granting this authority must be provided.

If the application is submitted by a representative who is not the legal and natural representative of the company, a specific authorisation for this representation naming a physical person must be provided.

The option of whether or not to act through an industrial property agent is a personal choice of the applicant and never an obligation or mandatory requirement, except in the case of applicants who do not reside in the European Community.